Reasoning ability , considered as deciding factor in most  of the competitive exams. But day by day it increases its level of difficulty that cannot take it in cold soldered.  Only way to increase your grade in this particular section is to practise continuously in daily basis with  your heart and mind. And to practice this portion with latest pattern question AVISION24x7 REASONING QUIZ   is providing  you the similar pattern  question which are being asked.

DIRECTION (1 – 5): Look carefully for the pattern, and then choose which pair of numbers comes next.

1. 84 78 72 66 60 54 48
a. 44 34
b. 42 36
c. 42 32
d. 40 34
e. 38 32
2. 3 8 13 18 23 28 33
a. 39 44
b. 38 44
c. 38 43
d. 37 42
e. 33 38
3. 20 20 17 17 14 14 11
a. 8 8
b. 11 11
c. 11 14
d. 8 9
e. 11 8
4. 18 21 25 18 29 33 18
a. 43 18
b. 41 44
c. 37 18
d. 37 41
e. 38 41
5. 9 11 33 13 15 33 17
a. 19 33
b. 33 35
c. 33 19
d. 15 33
e. 19 21

Answer questions 6 through 8 on the basis of the information below.

Quinn: Our state is considering raising the age at which a person can get a driver’s license to eighteen. This is unfair because the age has been sixteen for many years and sixteen-year-olds today are no less responsible than their parents and grandparents were at sixteen. Many young people today who are fourteen and fifteen years old are preparing to receive their licenses by driving with a learner’s permit and a licensed driver, usually one of their parents. It would not be fair to suddenly say they have to wait two more years.

Dakota: It is true that people have been allowed to receive a driver’s license at sixteen for generations. However, in recent years, the increase in traffic means drivers face more dangers than ever and must be ready to respond to a variety of situations. The fact that schools can no longer afford to teach drivers’ education results in too many young drivers who are not prepared to face the
traffic conditions of today.

6. What is the point at issue between Quinn and Dakota?
a. whether sixteen-year-olds should be required to take drivers’ education before being issued a license
b. whether schools ought to provide drivers’ education to fourteen- and fifteen-year-old students
c. whether the standards for issuing drivers’ licenses should become more stringent
d. whether sixteen-year-olds are prepared to drive in today’s traffic conditions
e. whether parents are able to do a good job teaching their children to drive

7. On what does Quinn rely in making her argument?
a. statistics
b. emotion
c. fairness
d. anecdotes
e. actualities

8. On what does Dakota rely in making her argument?
a. statistics
b. emotion
c. fairness
d. anecdotes
e. actualities

Answer questions 9 through 10 on the basis of the information below.

Frances: Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast improves young children’s ability to learn. However, it is not the responsibility of the schools
to provide this meal; it is the responsibility of each child’s parents.
Lars: Although it would be nice if the schools could provide each child with a healthy breakfast, the cost of doing that takes money away from other, more important learning resources, such as the purchase of new computers. In the long run, children learn more when the schools concentrate on the services they traditionally provide and the parents do what they are supposed to do.

9. In what way does Lars’s comment relate to Frances’s?
a. It weakens Frances’s argument by changing the focus of the discussion.
b. It strengthens Frances’s argument by providing support for her premise.
c. It states the logical outcome of Frances’s views.
d. It cannot be true if Frances’s assertion about parental responsibility is true.
e. It provides an argument that is the opposite of Frances’s views.

10.whatmain assumption underlies each statement?
a. As teachers become more scarce, schools will have to learn to be more cost-effective in recruiting new teachers.
b. In the information age, the equipment schools must purchase for their students is getting more expensive.
c. The study about students and breakfast is inconclusive at best, and more studies should be conducted to find out if school breakfasts are healthy.
d. Schools have never had the responsibility for supplying students with breakfast; rather, they spend their money on teachers, books, and other tangibles of education.
e. Parents are not assuming enough responsibility for their children’s ducation and should become more involved in school issues.



1. b.

In this simple subtraction series, each number is 6 less than the previous number.
2. c.

In this simple addition series, each number is 5 greater than the previous number.
3. e.

This is a simple subtraction with repetition series. It begins with 20, which is repeated, then 3 is subtracted, resulting in 17, which is repeated, and so on.
4. d.

This is a simple addition series with a random number, 18, interpolated as every third number. In the series, 4 is added to each number except 18, to arrive at the next number.
5. a.

In this alternating repetition series, a random number, 33, is interpolated every third number into a simple addition series, in  which each number increases by 2.


The speakers support their arguments in different ways, but both are concerned with whether sixteen-year-olds should continue to be allowed to receive drivers’ licenses.
7. c.

Quinn discusses the fairness of changing the law and raising the age at which one can receive a driver’s license. Emotion (choice b) may be involved, but the argument relies on the fairness issue.

8. e.

Dakota discusses the actualities of increased traffic and the decline in the teaching of drivers’ education. She doesn’t use statistics (choice a). Her argument is not emotion-filled, which rules out choice b. She doesn’t mention fairness (choice c) and doesn’t tell stories about specific situations (choice d).


Lars provides information that supports Frances’s more general statements. Both agree that schools should spend money on educating children, not on providing breakfast. Choices a, d, and e are incorrect because they all imply
that Frances and Lars are arguing in opposition to each other. Choice c can be ruled out because Lars’s position does not give any outcomes.


Both speakers rely on the fact that schools do
not traditionally have the responsibility for providing students with breakfast.


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